Thursday, April 1, 2010


This decision has been a long time coming, but it's time I let you know. Since blogging takes up so much of my time and energy, and since I'm not getting any younger, and since we have to tighten our belts and cut back on stamping expenses, and since keeping my house in order is so much more important, this will be my LAST POST! That's right--I'm shutting this blog down...forever...

Now if you believe all that, you have fallen for my April Fool's joke! (especially the part about housework being more important--HA!)

Have a great day!


Junie said...


Susan Raihala said...

I hate April Fool's Day. You 'bout gave me a heart attack, and I'm too young for that.

Kim said...

You didn't fool me! That's because I had thought of pulling the same prank, but didn't go through with it! Nyah! :-P

Anonymous said...

You got me, Doris !!! I'm reading and I'm thinking "oh darn". I really enjoy your blog and did not want you to go away !!! That was a good one !!!