Monday, February 15, 2010


Just wanted you to know that I practice what I preach!

It took me a couple of hours, shelf by shelf, to discard everything that had been pushed to the back and forgotten. Then, I removed, cleaned and rearranged each shelf or drawer for all the remaining items. Notice the bottom shelf on the right which is reserved for containers of leftovers later on. It really is nice to have a refrigerator with removable components so they can be thoroughly washed in the sink.

I took this photo so I'd remember what it's supposed to look like!


LeAnne said...

You are my hero! Way to go!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

That's so awesome!!! My fridge fails in comparison! :-(
LOVE your's though!

The Syvertsens said...

looks like you forgot to throw out something on the top right. something that is pretending to be beer.

sorry, beer snob now.

looks nice ;)

Anonymous said...

Doris, your refrigerator looks terrific. I just got mine cleaned last night. Thanks for a good push.

P.S. My husband came in the kitchen to tell me good night and asked me if everything was okay. I couldn't do anything but laugh.