Monday, February 8, 2010


This challenge is a big one! You know what's lurking behind those cabinet doors and drawers, so go for it. Which one bugs you the most: under the sink? the freezer? the "junk" drawer? the pantry? all of the above?

Remember, this is not about cleaning; it's about sorting, rearranging and purging so that cleaning is easier without having to work around unwanted/unnecessary items in the way. Streamline the kitchen and you'll feel a lot less stress.

Mismatched glassware? How about discarding them all and treating yourself to a new matching set from Walmart or the dollar store. Too many plastic containers? Use them for storing things in other parts of the house, maybe even your stamping area. Mishmash of cleaning supplies? Try reducing them to a few all-purpose products instead. Outdated foods and other supplies? That's what those large brown plastic bags are for!

Have fun! Make "Purge" your new favorite word!


Paula said...

Fantastic advise Doris. I have been de cluttering my house now for about three months, on and off. It has become an addiction of mine, keep up the fabulous de clutter de house blogs, love them

Linda Hasz said...

Just cleaned out my food pantry after other family members looked for food. It looks very nice now and I can find things once again. In the last month I have also cleaned out under the kitchen sink (new shelf paper, too!), and cleaned out the desk drawer in the kitchen. This is a wonderful idea!